


Higher Knowledge
The ancients realized the oneness of all existence, that life is one. Therefore, to harm anyone is to harm yourself. Recognizing this oneness of life, the immanence of the one hidden Spirit in all things that exist, they realized the sanctity of all life.Their life, therefore, was a source of all that is true, all that is good and auspicious, all that is beautiful - to life around them.

In contrast, today's world is gripped with fear, in a state of acute anxiety neurosis, a state of uncertainty about the future and insecurity in the present. It is said that this is because of knowledge being of two kinds. If over emphasis is laid upon the lesser knowledge, which is primarily scientific, logical knowledge, although it leads to knowledge about material or physical things it promotes ignorance about oneself, about life itself and the natural divine laws that prevail in the universe. Whereas, if the emphasis is laid upon the higher knowledge, that higher knowledge liberates one from ignorance, and all that is narrow, limited or separates.

It is, therefore, this higher knowledge that is to be sought after. The beginning of this quest is to understand that we still do not know certain things. "There is still something to be known, something which I do not know, something which I have to know." It is this that opens the door to ever widening and ever progressing knowledge. It is with this pursuit in mind that the Center for the Advancement of Higher Knowledge offers a congregation point for those of all belief's and learning techniques to share their gifts and experiences.
